
Saturday, January 15, 2011


Facebook has Keyboard Shortcuts to make your navigation easier. It is an automatic feature which is already enabled. You can now use shortcuts to quickly jump from facebook home page to any page.

List of FacebooK Keyboard Shortcuts  

  •          Alt + 1 Return to FB Homepage
  •          Alt + 2 To goto Wall Tab of your Profile Page
  •          Alt + 3 To view Friends Requests list Drop down List
  •          Alt + 4 To view latest Messages list in Drop down List
  •          Alt + 5 To view Notification list Drop down List
  •          Alt + 6 To goto Account setting Webpage
  •          Alt + 7 To goto Account privacy configuration Webpage
  •          Alt + 8 To open Facebook fan page at
  •          Alt + 9 To open Facebook’s Statement of Rights & Responsibilities
  •          Alt + 0 To open Facebook Help Center
  •          Alt + m To create New Message
  •          Alt + ? For Cursor control in the Search Box
Above Keyshortcuts works with Chrome and IE . Firefox users  can use  Shift key along with above key combinations for Example Shift+Alt + 1 also note that there is no need to use + sign while using shortcut keys.


If you are a business owner, then you must know how important it is for you to have your own website. You can use it to be able to reach as many target customers as possible. After all, they are located in almost many parts of the world. You can display all your products and services in your website. But do you know that they can be a great area for hackers to play on? So how can you protect your website against hacking?

1. Protect your files with passwords. Surely, your website will contain scripts, database, and files that are not meant to be shared publicly but for perhaps the search engine bots. To avoid having anyone getting hold of them, it may be ideal to protect them with password. However, you have to make sure that these are very hard to decipher. This is because they can simply make use of password-deciphering software. You can combine alphanumeric characters and exhaust all the character limits as much as possible.
2. Secure your e-mail address. There may be times when you will be receiving an e-mail address courtesy of your online business form. There are even others who will send a message directly into your mailbox. This may mean that spammers have got hold of your contact information perhaps in the Web or from someone else. To prevent this, you can make use of software that will split your e-mail address. It will then very hard for spamming software to read. You can also just add an E-mail Us link into your website or an image which can be clicked and allow your customers to send an e-mail right away. There’s no need to reveal the e-mail address.
3. Don’t leave e-mail addresses anywhere. Perhaps youre thinking of marketing your website in forums and other public online networks. This is okay; however, you have to be very cautious. Hackers and spammers are very much interested of your e-mail address. You can make use of a bogus one, and simply add a link of your website in the signature.
4. Secure your source code. There are hackers who are interested in getting your source code to either destroy it or to build a website clone. That’s why it is very important that you can protect it against such individuals. You can make use of scripts that will allow your source code to remain hidden to Internet users. Or you can simply make use of external CSS sheets as well as files for Javascript.
5. Check for software patches. If you have been using some software in building or maintaining your website, make sure that you constantly update all of your files. This may be because the older ones can no longer protect your website from hackers and spammers.
6. Sign up for updates. Majority of the product and software updates may only be announced in their respective websites. This is to encourage their customers to continuously be up-to-date too of any new products that they are currently introducing into the market. To avoid the hassle, sign up using one secure e-mail address in all of their newsletters. If you receive any updates, make sure you take time in reading them.
7. Add a robot.txt. This is a special instruction you will give to search engines who may be visiting your webpages. You can instruct them to only index those files that are meant for users. You can also direct them to not index any that are only meant for webmasters. These may include files and images.
8. Check the permissions you may have set for your uploaded files. This is to prevent any hacker from getting access into your important and confidential files. You can confirm it by selecting CHMOD for your files located in the web hosting server. Otherwise, if you aren’t sure, then you can simply verify it from your webmaster.
9. Take away old or unnecessary files. Its normal for search engines to keep files from your website, especially if they are being indexed. However, if you remove them from the server, then no one can access them anymore. It will not be obtainable for hackers and spammers.
10. Know your server. Your server is very essential as you basically keep all of your files there, and it will cause your website to run smoothly. Intruders, on the other hand, can add virus or malware into your system, thereby causing damage into your website. If you are running it on your own, you must know your server properly. This way, you can set the right security and permission level for your site.



Almost every user on the Internet sends/receives hundreds of emails per day. However only a handful of them know what is BCC and what are the advantages of using BCC while sending an email. If you are one such Internet user who is unaware of BCC then this is the post that you should definitely read!

What is BCC?

BCC stands Blind Carbon Copy. It refers to the practice of sending an email to multiple recipients without disclosing the individual emails addresses. While sending the same email/message to multiple recipients, it is a common practice for most users to separate the email addresses by using comma or semi-colon and insert all those addresses in the To: filed. When emails are sent in this way, each receiver is able to see the complete list of recipient email addresses to which the same message if being sent to. UnlikeTo:, the BCC: option allows you to hide the recipients in email messages. In other words, when emails are sent using BCC:,  the receiver will not be able to see the list of recipient email addresses. Thus using BCC is a smart way to protect the privacy of the recipients.

Why should you Use BCC?

Here are the reasons for using BCC:
Privacy – BCC provides an easy and simple option for protecting the privacy of your recipients. Under many circumstances it is necessary for us send an email without letting the recipients know who else is receiving the same message. Also it is highly recommended that you use the BCC: while forwarding a joke or a funny email to a list of your friends.  If you are sending email on behalf of a business or organization, it may be especially important to keep lists of clients, members, or associates confidential. So don’t forget to use BCC: in instances wherever privacy matters.
Respect for you recipients- While forwarding email messages, people often do not bother to remove the list of previous recipients.  As a result, messages that are repeatedly sent to many recipients may contain long lists of email addresses.  This makes it easy for the spammers to collect and target those emails for spamming.
In order to avoid the risk of spammers, it is necessary that you encourage people/friends to use BCC: while forwarding any message to you. This prevents your email address from appearing in other people’s inboxes thereby keeping yourself less exposed to spammers. You may also refer How to Protect an Email Account from SPAM for more information on spamming.

How to BCC an email message?

Most email clients provide the BCC: option under a few lines below the To: field. All you have to do is just enter the list of recipients in the BCC: field instead of entering in the To: field. You may enter only your own email address in the To: field. Once you do this just hit the Send button.
The moral is that you should use BCC: while sending bulk messages so as to protect the privacy of your recipients.


However, if the Grub is password protected, then this method will not work. So in such cases, we can use the Linux Live CD to crack the Linux Password. Follow the below given steps to change the Linux Password, using the Linux Live CD.
  1. Boot your computer from your Linux Live CD, choosing “Try Linux without any change to your computer” from the boot menu.
  2. Once the system boots open up a new Terminal window and then type in the following command:
    sudo fdisk –l
  3. This command is used to tell what device name the hard drive is using, which in most cases should be /dev/sda1, but could be different on your system.
  4. Now you’ll need to create a directory to mount the hard drive on. Since we’re actually booting off the live cd, the directory doesn’t really get created anywhere.
    sudo mkdir /media/sda1
  5. The next command will mount the hard drive in the /media/sda1 folder.
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1
  6. Now it’s time for the command that actually does the magic:
    chroot. This command is used to open up a shell with a different root directory than the current shell is using, and we’ll pass in the folder where we mounted the hard drive.
    sudo chroot /media/sda1
  7. Now you should be able to use the passwd command to change your user account’s password, and it will be applied to the hard drive since we are using chroot.
    passwd <username>
  8. Now you should be able to reboot your system and log yourself in with your new password. 



What is an ISP ?

In simple words an Internet service provider (ISP),  is a company that offers its customers access to theworld of  Internet. The ISP connects to its customers to the internet or WWW WORLD WIDE WEB  using Various data transmission technology such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, wireless or dedicated high-speed interconnects. Whenever we need an internet connection we need an ISP .ISPs may provide services such as

  • Internet e-mail accounts to users
  • remotely storing data Files etc

Dial-up - Dial-up Internet access is a  Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a dialled connection to an Internet service provider (ISP) with the help of  telephone lines.The computer or router of the internet user uses an attached modem to encode and decode Internet Protocol packets and control the information which is coming in and going outfrom the system.

DSL- DSL Digital Subscriber Line is a family of technologies that provides digital data transmission over the wires of a local telephone network.

Cable Modem- cable modem is a type of network bridge and modem that provides bi-directional data communication with the help of radio frequency channels on a HFC and RFoG infrastructure. Cable modems are primarily used to deliver broadband Internet access in the form of cable Internet.They are mostly used in following countries  in Australia, Europe, and America.

Wireless-Wireless communication is the transfer of information without the use of wires.The distance can be few meters as in television remote control or long as much as thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications.Other stuffs  which use wireless technology include GPS(Global Positioning System),wireless mouse keybord headphone etc.

How to choose your ISP?

Many  ISP provides  services which is unique to each particular ISP.First step is to choose what type of service you want,then you can check google for various reviewsabout the particular ISP whom service you want to use,Then you can do deals for  your ISP  according to your need and which best fit to you..


Useful Things to do on CMD!
First, open your Network Connection and right click and select Properties. Then Select TCP/IP and click on Properties again. Now Click on Advanced and WINS tab. Select Default for NeBIOS.
Now back to the main Local Area Connection window, select File and Print Sharing for Mic*ft Networks and hit enter.
This is just to make sure you have NetBIOS enabled. We will have some fun with NetBIOS on CMD.
First thing you need to know is some very helpfull commands to use on CMD(Command Prompt).
In case you don’t know how to get CMD open in your box, then click on Start, then Run, then type “cmd” (no quotes, off course… you know the drill).
Back to commands:
nslookup net view net use net user ping tracert arp route nbtstat netstat ipconfig
In case you don’t know some of them, then just type the command on CMD and hit enter. A little help will show up in your screen. Read it and understand what the command does.
Lets start easy…
1) ping : This command will allow you to know if the host you pinging is alive, which means if it is up at the time of executing the “ping” command.
ping x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)
ping ( is the website you want to ping, but you don't know the IP)
OBS: Keep in mind that if the host you pinging is blocking ICMP packets, then the result will be host down.
2) nslookup : This command has many functionalities.
One is for resolving DNS into IP.
Lets say you know the website URL but you don’t know its IP(and you want to find out).
nslookup ( is the website you want to find out the IP)
Now, another really nice function of nslookup is to find out IP of specific Mail Severs.
nslookup (enter) set type=mx (enter)
This command will give you the mail server IP of You can use whatever server you want and if it is listed on DNS, then you get the IP. Simple, isn’t it?
3) tracert : This command will give you the hops that a packet will travel to reach its final destination.
OBS: This command is good to know the route a packet takes before it goes to the target box.
tracert x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)
tracert ( is the website you don't know the IP)
4) arp : This command will show you the arp table. This is good to know if someone is doing arp poisoning in your LAN.
arp -a
5) route : This command will show you the routing table, gateway, interface and metric.
route print
6) ipconfig : This command will show tons of very helpful things.
Your IP, gateway, dns in use.
ipconfig /all
this command will give all that info but for all networks you might have it.
Also, in case you have a dynamic IP and want to change it, then type…
ipconfig /release (this will release your IP) ipconfig /renew (this will renew your iP)
OBS: Keep in mind that those commands will change your IP, but the new IP will still be tighed up to you. So don’t do anything stupid.
7) netstat : This command will show you connection to your box.
netstat -a (this will show you all the listening ports and connection with DNS names) netstat -n (this will show you all the open connection with IP addresses) netstat -an (this will combined both of the above)
8)nbtstat : This command will show you the netbios name of the target box.
nbtstat -A x.x.x.x (x is the IP address) nbtstat -a computername
net view x.x.x.x or computername (will list the available sharing folders on the target box)
Now some hints:
net use \ipaddressipc$ "" /user:administrator
(this command will allow you to connect to the target box as administrator)
Now if you want to connect to the target box and browse the entire C drive, then use this command:
net use K: \computernameC$
(this will create a virtual drive on your “my computer” folder)
OBS: Keep in mind that this will only works if the target box doesn’t have an administrator password set.
And least but not last, the “help” command.
whatevercommand /help

whatevercommand /?
This command will help you to understand what it does and all the switchs available for each command.
Very useful if you know the command, but forgot the right switch.

